Drama written by Sławomir Mrożek (1974)
Created in Book Design Studio led by prof. Maciej Buszewicz
and his assistant Mateusz Kowalski at Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, 2016.
Two anonymous men: AA and XX – an alienated intellectual and a simple worker. They're worlds apart except for sharing basement, where they live, and the fact that both of them left their homeland. They have little in common and on certain New Year's Eve, they lose even their own individual dreams. The play is about the collapse of illusions and about borders – not only between countries but, above all, between people. 

My design interpretation of the book is based on a feeling of uncertainty about tomorrow and "homelessness". The book is really small (75x105mm) and the cover resembles a small packaging which could surely be found in one of the drama character's suitcases.

The book was bound and sewn by hand. 

You can see the project filmed on the Studio's website.
Thanks for watching! 

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