The Master and Margarita

Graduation project made in Book Design Studio
Supervisor: professor Maciej Buszewicz
Faculty of Graphic Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw

My graduation project is a complex interpretation of the novel “The Master and Margarita” written by Mikhail Bulgakov. I proposed a new solution, prepared a graphic form, and made a model bound and sewn by myself. The book is divided into two volumes. The white one is a novel about Pontius Pilate and the black one describes Satanic interference in 1930s Moscow. 

In the white one, there are only four chapters building a novel of Master about Pilate. Its character refers to the aesthetics of Russian Orthodox with its golden illustrations and svelte column of text. Creating a separate volume for this part of the book emphasizes its value and makes the whole project more interesting. 

On the other hand, we have the black volume. There are chapters showing threads of Moscow’s reality and the Satanic activity in there. Bulgakov divided the volume into two parts, depending on the major subject. The basic text is typeset with a slab serif Knile Regular and has accents of solid sans serif named Volte, which builds a Russian constructivism character. It is also supported by illustrations: Russian posters and photos from the thirties in the first part – and the illustrations inspired by Aubrey Beardsley’s style in the second part. They are composed in contrast and strongly suggest a domination of Satan in Moscow. 

Each part of the two books has a subtle star symbol near the page number, characteristic to the main thread: the novel about Pilate has the star of David, the Muscovite thread has the Soviet red star, and – at last – the Satanic one has the pentagram. 

There are several ways to read “The Master and Margarita” and all of them allow us to clearly understand the plot. However, if the reader wants to follow the sequence intended by the author, he can find appropriate marks, chapters, and page numbers allowing him to find the next chapter in the volumes. 

Both books were sewn and bound by hand using sewn board binding.

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