September 17, 2022, the Ludwik Solski Theater in Tarnów saw the premiere of the play "The Winter Funeral" based on a drama by Hanoch Levin. The author intertwines the seriousness of the topics like death and mourning with absurd humor, creating a space to look at them in a different light.

I had the great pleasure of being part of the team that created this show. I designed a poster for it and assisted the set and costume designer, Aleksandra Reda, in implementing her projects. Working with such a talented creator allowed me to learn about the world of theater and the enormity of tasks that rest on the shoulders of a set designer.

text Hanoch Levin
translation Agnieszka Olek
adaptation & direction Filip Kowalczyk
stage design, costumes & light design Aleksandra Reda
Music Ignacy Zalewski
poster, stage designer assistant Anna Kurdziel
director assistant Stefan Krzysztofiak
photography Artur Gawle, Jeremi Astaszow

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